Patient Rights
and Responsibilities

The Patient has the RIGHT to:

• Have their identity respected, being addressed by their given name or social name, as well as their date of birth;
• Have their image and personal data protected according to the Brazilian Federal General Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/18);
• Confidentiality and secrecy of clinical information and personal data, with access restricted to professionals authorized by law, the patient, and those explicitly authorized by the patient;
• Specific conditions provided for by law are observed, including elderly people; newborns; incapable; children and adolescents; women; including the right to remain with a companion;
• Dignified, safe, attentive, and respectful care, free from any form or type of prejudice or discrimination;
• Individuality, physical, psychological, moral integrity and privacy;
• Respect for their gender and cultural choices;
• Access to psychological, social and spiritual assistance during the hospitalization period, whenever necessary;
• Appoint a person of their choice to make decisions in cases of unconsciousness, temporary or permanent incapacity;
• Information about their treatment to freely give consent, personally or through their representative, as well as actively participate in decisions related to their treatment, including cost estimates when possible;
• Withdraw their consent at any time, provided it is possible to stop the procedure;
• Request a second opinion on proposed conduct or treatment whenever deemed necessary;
• Decide on palliative care, organ donation, and end-of-life treatment issues in cases of unconsciousness or incapacity, with decisions to be made by the family on the documentation and the patient’s expressed wishes;
• Information on the names and qualifications of the professionals involved in their care;
• Assurance of continuity of care, either within the hospital or through other healthcare services if not available at the hospital;
• Assurance of being informed about discharge planning;
• Access to tools for expressing suggestions, complaints, and praise at the customer service department and receiving responses to their submissions.

The Patient has the DUTY to:

• Provide complete and truthful information, including about their responsible party (identity, address, contact details, documents, etc.);
• Keep the registration and that of their responsible party updated;
• Inform the care team about all health-related issues, care needs, restrictions, medications, allergies, pre-existing conditions, vaccinations, among others;
• Follow the information and guidance provided by the care professionals;
• Promptly inform the professional if they wish to withdraw their consent for treatment or procedures, either partially or entirely;
• Respect care and administrative professionals with dignity and without any form of prejudice or discrimination;
• Maintain identification during their stay at the hospital (patient – identification bracelet; companion/visitor – tag);
• Respect noise guidelines. Sounds, including voice tones, should be kept at a respectful volume to avoid disturbing other patients, companions, visitors, and professionals;
• Do not smoke or use any substance, including alcohol, on hospital premises;
• Observe and obey signs and restrictions and, in case of doubt, consult hospital professionals;
• Respect the privacy and conditions of other patients and companions;
• Avoid entering restricted access areas without proper authorization and accompaniment by a hospital professional;
• Do not bring food or drinks from outside, unless authorized;
• Keep their electronic devices and personal belongings under constant supervision during their stay or hospitalization. Valuable belongings should be kept with family members or companions, especially when leaving the bed;
• In cases provided by law, keep companions during the entire treatment/hospitalization;
• Observe visiting hours, changes of companions, and guidance provided by the hospital team;
• Take care of movable goods, facilities, and utensils (remote controls, bed, and bath linens, materials, and others) and hospital facilities;
• Adhere to the hospital’s contract, guidelines, and policies, especially regarding conduct, behavior, restrictions, rights, and obligations;
• Present valid and current identification, medical orders, and authorization (physical or electronic) for procedures or treatments;
• Check with their Health Operator regarding covered items, authorizations, and payments;
• Pay for services and items used in care through their Operator or privately, especially if coverage, authorization, or refusal is absent;
• Follow hospital rules regarding image capture, including selfies, in hospital facilities or their surroundings, respecting the privacy and image rights of other patients, companions, visitors, and healthcare professionals.

Note: The rights and responsibilities of the Patient also apply to family members, companions, and visitors, as applicable.
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